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Association Josiane Salone, tous unis contre la BPCO

“1000 Solidarity Breaths”

The first platform for exchange and support dedicated to individuals affected by respiratory diseases and their caregivers, born from the urgent need to create a space where they can come together within a compassionate community.

This collective is committed to breaking the isolation imposed by illness.
It will offer everyone a place to share their experiences, ask questions, and express themselves without guilt, while feeling genuinely heard and understood.

For let us not forget, only a patient or a caregiver can truly comprehend what the other endures on a daily basis.

Respiratory Health

Key Figures:

Association Josiane Salone, tous unis contre la BPCO_edited.jpg

Third Leading Cause of Death

Respiratory diseases represent a major concern for global health, accounting for approximately one in six deaths in industrialized countries, with a rate comparable to that of the early 20th century.

Millions of Patients Across Industrialized Nations

Shortage of Pulmonologists and Medical Desertification

Often invisible, these diseases lead to significant disabilities. They impose a double burden: facing the daily struggle of the illness itself and coping with a disability that is frequently unseen and too often ignored.

While a significant portion of the territory in industrialized countries is affected by medical desertification, the limited availability of pulmonologists creates a profound inequality in access to specialized care.

A Detrimental Impact on the Quality of Life of Patients and Their Caregivers

Communauté Pluridisciplinaire
Association Josiane Salone, tous unis contre la BPCO.webp

The Evidence of an Imperative

“Towards essential support and resources for Victims and their Family Caregivers within a Multidisciplinary Community.”
Les services du Collectif

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Association Josiane Salone
united against COPD

Nonprofit Organization under French Law 1901

Officially recognized Public Interest Organization

This informational site is not a medical device.

It does not provide medical advice.

© All Rights Reserved | Association Josiane Salone united against COPD

Ce site d'informations n'est pas un dispositif médical.

Il ne délivre pas d'avis médicaux.

Association loi de 1901 déclarée : n° W751240294

© 2024 Association Josiane Salone, tous unis contre la BPCO

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